Administrative Law

Administrative Law

Administrative law is the body of law governing the administrative agencies created by federal and provincial governments to implement and administer legislation.

If an administrative agency acts outside the scope of its legislative authority or performs a decision-making function in an unfair manner, administrative law offers recourse through judicial review.

The administrative law practitioners at Curtis Dawe offer strategic advice and representation to individuals, businesses, administrative agencies, regulators, and tribunals at all stages of the administrative decision-making process.

Curtis Dawe lawyers have a breadth of experience acting for clients in matters involving:

  • Labour Relations and Employment Standards
  • Immigration and Refugee Law
  • Human Rights
  • Professional Regulation
  • Commissions of Inquiry
  • Municipal and Environmental Affairs
  • Judicial Review Hearings and Appellate Proceedings

Meet the Curtis Dawe lawyers who practice in the area of Administrative Law:
